
Davis Acoustics Subwoofer user manual download owners pdf free user manuals guide quick start installation

User manual search for Subwoofer Davis Acoustics, Subwoofer model definition

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Davis Acoustics [Manufacturer description]
Davis AcousticsDAVIS Acoustics was founded in 1986 by Michel VISAN, an engineer and former technical manager of SIARE. When DAVIS started the workshop consisted of three people for the assembly, the control and the shipment of the productsLa société.
Among the first loudspeakers, one has not forgotten the 13KLV5 or the 17KLV6, still used today. Then came the kits, with the famous "Kristel" device, or even " MV7 ", whose loudspeakers were distributed worldwide.
Home speakers then appeared, and more recently the car audio.
Over the years the company has grown gradually and steadily. The site of Troyes in Aube was chosen for its nearness to Paris, the professional quality of its workforce and its lifestyle.
First opened in June 1998, this new plant which is modern, rational and performant, was presented to the press and to our main French and foreign customers.
A new range of home speakers is to come soon to celebrate the first fifteen years of DAVIS Acoustics.
Subwoofer Davis Acoustics

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