
Genelec Oy Subwoofer user manual download owners pdf free user manuals guide quick start installation

User manual search for Subwoofer Genelec Oy, Subwoofer model definition

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Genelec Oy [Manufacturer description]
Genelec OySince the founding of Genelec in 1978, professional audio monitoring has been the core of our business. Our unrivalled commitment to research and development has resulted in a number of industry firsts and established Genelec as the industry leader in active monitors. Nearly 30 years later Genelec monitoring products remain true to our original philosophy, offering reliability, neutral sound reproduction regardless of size, as well as the ability to adapt frequency response to the listening environment.

We are faithful to our founding principles. We also want to maintain our leading position in our core business with neutrally sounding products for any monitoring need from mono to multi-channel reproduction. Our clients receive paramount support in all aspects of the field, from acoustical advice and calibration services to technical service and long product life span. Buying a Genelec product is the soundest investment in audio monitoring.

We want to be unique as a company and strive to exceed expectations in all aspects of our business. This means offering first class products and service to our end customers and business partners alike.
During the past decade our business has expanded beyond the professional monitoring segment to selected consumer markets. Our products are found in an increasing number of home theaters and residential systems bringing soundtracks alive, as they were when recorded. Although the applications may vary, one thing remains the same: the desire to have the best possible sound reproduction. We are proud to contribute with our sound origins and profound knowledge of what it takes to make it right.
Subwoofer Genelec Oy

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