
Funai VCR user manual download owners pdf free user manuals guide quick start installation

User manual search for VCR Funai, VCR model definition

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Funai [Manufacturer description]
FunaiThe UK Branch of Funai Europe GmbH was founded in 2005 and soon launched its own brand name of LCD TV, VCRs and DVD products.  From the very beginning, it was clear that Funai’s reputation had preceded it.  We rapidly gained a substantial market share and sales figures show that we continue to go from strength to strength.

Funai UK is a subsidiary of the Funai Electric Co. Ltd. Japan – a company of international renown, recognized the world over as a market leader in high quality digital visual entertainment products.  Our parent company was founded in 1961 by Mr. Tetsuro Funai, who continues as our active President still today.

Funai Electric Co. Ltd. is quoted on the Nikkei (Tokyo Stock Exchange) and continues to develop and expand in its area of expertise.  Witness to its dependability are many leading retail brands across the globe that draw on Funai’s production capacity to such an extent that Funai is, today, the world’s leading manufacturer of the 20” LCD TV.

Overall, the 7th largest manufacturer of LCD TVs worldwide, Funai is the No. 3 in the USA – quite a formidable claim to fame – and, furthermore, has a strong position on every Continent around the globe.  Now fast-becoming synonymous with LCD TV throughout Europe, Funai has opened a European factory to cope with the huge and fast-growing demand for its audio-visual entertainment systems which emanate style and Japanese quality.

To reinforce product knowledge, Funai UK provides sales staff with in-store training to assure that retailers are fully conversant with all features of our products.
VCR Funai

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