
Elenberg DECT phone service manual download repair manuals installation scheme schematic diagram free

Service manual search for DECT phone Elenberg, DECT phone model definition

All DECT phone Elenberg models that exist in our database are represented on this page. For the following search of the desired service manual you have to choose the needed model from the introduced models list.

If you didn't find your device model in our list, then there isn't repair manual download for Elenberg DECT phone in our catalog. Send us a request through File Request section and when we will just find the desired scheme and fix manuals for DECT phone Elenberg, you will be notified by e-mail, and schematic diagram will be placed in our database.

Elenberg [Manufacturer description]
ElenbergElenberg brand was registered in England at the end of the last century. It appeared on the Russian market for the first time in the year of 2000. Elenberg is one of the most dynamic trademarks in the Eastern Europe. Elenberg has won respect of consumers in Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Moldavia and Baltic countries during less then 6 years. By January 2006 household electronics under Elenberg brand occupied the shelves of 3000 shops. Every fifth family in this vast territory has at least one Elenberg device.
The assortment of this trademark comprises all the main categories of goods that every modern man and woman would like to have at home. These are audio-video products, major and small domestic appliances, home climate control devices. New models in different groups come on the market every month!
Success of Elenberg brand is a result of an intensive and accurate choice of products for its range. The experience of the professional team, regular market researches and lifestyles studies allow us to launch the most demanded products on the market at reasonable prices.
It is necessary to admit that Elenberg goods conform to both Russian and European quality standards.
Elenberg company uses only environmentally safe materials and components for the products.
All the goods pass 100% quality control during and after production.
Elenberg puts 1 year warranty for all products. Warranty and post-warranty services are provided by authorized service centers.
Thank you for the interest to our products! We hope that you have already items under Elenberg brand at home. If not, come to the nearest household electronics shop and ask for Elenberg goods! We are sure that you'll appreciate modern design, high quality and reasonable prices of our products.
DECT phone Elenberg

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