
Download 9 pin RS422 Multiple VCR for windows

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9 pin RS422 Multiple VCR, Demo,$290.00
File info:
File size: 48 KB
OS: Win95/Win98/Windows2000/WinME/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x
License: Demo,$290.00
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 1066/16

Multiple VCR Control Software Control up to six VCRs, individually or by groups for synchronized operation. This software is an easy to use, intelligent, simple and robust interface for remote controlling multiple VCR simultaneously from a single computer. Based on RS 422 OCX Controller For Developers ActiveX for controlling VCRs within an application. Interfaces with hardware devices, VCRs. The program was written to control six VCRs, which allow any, or all of the decks to be placed into two common control groups for synchronized operation. Is great for live events, Presentations, Video Walls and Video Broadcasting. This implementation saves a considerable amount of time for facilities that operate multiple VCR. 1. Control up to six VCRs by 9 pin RS422 interface. 2. Synchronize Video and Audio 3. User friendly interface, easy to use for someone with little technical knowledge 4. Robust design to minimize the need for maintenance 5. Can search up to six tapes to a specific time and then play all those tapes together 6. Read status codes from the controlled VCRs, which allow the user to see if the VCRs are actually doing what they have to be doing 7. The user is computer literate and can operate software and hardware with minimal difficulty 8. Save last configuration. Applications: 1. Synchronizing VCRs for live or post production 2. Presentations 3. Video Walls 4. Conferencing 5. Automation 6. All kind of live events 7. Video Dub VCR 1 to 6: Set com port number where the VCRs are connected to - Group 1 and 2 Master Time Code: Select the VCR where the Master Time Code for the Group will be taken from Time Code Type: LTC Time - VITC Time - CTL Timer1 - CTL Timer2 - LTC UB - VITC UB Base frames: 30 for NTSC - 25 for PAL. In Group: will do any of the following commands using all VCRs located in the common control group, like operating individually but synchronized Play - Stop - Fwd - Rew - Rec - Preroll - Mark - Shuttle - Cue

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Wed Nov 11 15:07:02 2009

Technicians must have utilities

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