
Download Roxie's ABC Fish for windows

Download demo version of Roxie's ABC Fish

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Roxie's ABC Fish, Demo
File info:
File size: 2 MB
OS: Win95/Win98/Windows2000/WinME/WinNT 3.x/WinNT 4.x/WinXP
License: Demo
Rating: 5
Views/Downloads: 1546/5

Roxie's ABC Fish offers an enjoyable 3D animated edutainment game (see links to screenshots below) in which children easily learn their ABCs and numbers. This alphabet and number recognition instruction program is a painless and fun way for children to learn their upper and lower case letters and numbers to 100. Click on the link above to download our free alphabet and number recognition software today. Game Play In Roxie's ABC Fish, Roxie, a friendly, animated, talking cat, plays "Go Fish" with a child, but, Roxie asks for a number or a lower or upper case letter. Roxie gently guides the child in selecting the correct word card. Reward game is educational, too! When a "Go Fish" game is completed, Roxie then sets up a a fun music-composing game with singing 'Grumps'. This game was designed to teach preliminary music concepts while the child is having fun exploring this musical environment The child picks up a musical note and moves it to a position on the staff. After placing many notes on the staff the child then can play their brand new song. To try something different with the same newly created song, they can then switch to a different "instrument" for a completely different


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